Remember cities don't get the chance to just print money, and they cannot go years with out a budget like the government is apparently finding out with lately. It appears this state in addition has revealed people that the easiest way to earn money is to foyer your federal government to end down more cash. Properly, if that's what sort of new sport is played, and if crony capitalism and favoritism is how the planet performs these days.
That possibly it's time that I suggest a new technique for a few of the towns which are nearly broke and need to improve additional revenue. All the cities should do is reception the government to produce a mandate and legislate that parking tickets could be deducted as business I am certain that Congress may only by way of a few more pages next omnibus bill they pass without reading it first.
Should they did this then businesspeople may park more in red areas, and overstay their parking meters, or ignore whatever the indicator says because they'll only withhold the parking passes later from their taxes. Today then you might think this is a joke, and it started off to be a laugh, but when this is the way we are going to play it, this type of strategy can really work.
In a few regards the fact that it might actually work is indeed a record of precisely how ridiculous our government has become at all levels. It shows the ridiculousness of the bureaucracy, the incorrect budget planning, complex tax code, and mess of our decided representatives. All I question is that you consider it, and consider this information on a philosophical level.
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